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Rappel de recherche : Auteur : Bridgemohan, Puran Modifier les filtres
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  • Notice détaillée
    Titre : A preliminary study into the effect of Celmanax on milk composition of Dairy Cows.
    Intervenant principal : Bridgemohan, Puran
    Edition : University of the West Indies (Saint-Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago), Université des Antilles. Service commun de la documentation (2015-....), Caribbean Food Crops Society, Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France). Centre de recherches des Antilles et de la Guyane
    Lieu : Le Gosier
    Date : 12 juillet 2016
    Extrait de : 52e congrès annuel de la Société caribéenne des plantes alimentaires / 52nd annual meeting of the Caribbean food crops society (CFCS), du 10 au 16 juillet 2016
    Type : Vidéo - Colloque & conférence
    Résumé : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on milk composition of the inclusion of a fixed amount of solid prebiotic celmanac into a dairy feed before milking in lactating cows. Fourteen lactating cows, 3-4 mo lactating, were randomly equal in terms of approximate days into lactation, and allocated to one of two treatment groups: Control no Supplementation and Celmanax supplemented. Milk samples were collected every 7 days for approximately 8 weeks and sent to the lab for milk composition analysis and Draminski score testing. Cows supplemented with Celmanax had a higher (p<0.05) butter fat content (2.91%) when compared to the control (2.48%). SNF, protein & lactose percentages were lower (p<0.05) than the control Milk fat, SNF, or lactose percentages were not affected by treatment (P>.01) In conclusion, butterfat percentage was higher for cows supplemented with Celmanax than supplemented cows.
    Langue : Ndjuka
    Conditions d'utilisation : CC-BY-NC-ND - Attribution - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Pas de modification
  • Notice détaillée
    Titre : Greenhouse evaluation of sagassum seaweed as a potting medium for vegetables
    Intervenant principal : Bridgemohan, Puran
    Edition : Université des Antilles. Service commun de la documentation (2015-....), Université de Guyane (2015-....), Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France). Centre de recherches des Antilles et de la Guyane, Caribbean Food Crops Society
    Lieu : Le Gosier
    Date : 12 juillet 2016
    Extrait de : 52e congrès annuel de la Société caribéenne des plantes alimentaires / 52nd annual meeting of the Caribbean food crops society (CFCS), du 10 au 16 juillet 2016
    Type : Vidéo - Colloque & conférence
    Résumé : Sargassum [Sargassum natans and S. fluitans] algae can be classified as a perennial invasive weed problem in all Caribbean islands. It has been shown to affect fishermen, bathers and tourists. It is expensive to remove, in addition to its unpleasant smell that hinders cleaning operations. The University of Trinidad and Tobago, on the BAFT campus, is conducting a series of activities to find appropriate uses of algae as feed, substrate and enhancement. This study aimed to assess the relevance of algae as a growing medium for sweet pepper production [Capsicum annuum var. annuum] using different percentages of weeds (0, 25, 50 and 100%) with greenhouse soil. Crop growth, development and yield were monitored.
    Langue : Anglais
    Conditions d'utilisation : CC-BY-NC-ND - Attribution - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Pas de modification

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